Saturday, March 29, 2008

Anti-Islam film released - A patriotic critique

Dutch politician Wilders released his long-awaited film against Islam, called "Fitna" (Arabic for "strife"). View it here:

If you are comfortable and have time to spare, turn up your speakers and watch the film [It is very good and 15 minutes in length]. Then click "Continue Reading" below, scroll down, and you can read a brief critique from a patriotic perspective. (But watch the film first).

COMMENT: A powerful film, and effective towards its intended goal. However, there are some issues with it. I will briefly outline what can be called the Patriotic Critique to the film.

What sums up the movie is the dumb slogan that crawls across the screen at the end: "In 1945 we defeated the Nazis, in 1989 we defeated Communism, today we must defeat Islam".

"We" in the above, clearly means Liberal-Capitalist-Democracy. Not any Nation, People, or Civilization... but a socioeconomic and political ideology and worldview. This, then, implies that it genuinely doesn't matter if future Netherlands is brown (or even liberal-Islamic, in theory), as long as they tolerate gays and love corporations indefinitely into the future. (That would seem to be Wilders' idea of Endsieg!).

One other somewhat-related issue, is the disproportionate focus on Jews in the film. The message shining through in the film is implicitly this: "Those millions of Muslims in Europe are a threat, but mainly because of terrorism and anti-Semitism"!. The film can thus be said to have Jewish Nationalist sympathies undercurrent, yet at the same time it is--in places--passively hostile to European nationalism. Strange? Certainly.

In short, what this film is ultimately not, is a fiery call for salvation of white-christians in Europe from being swamped by nonwhite Muslims. Rather, it is more of a vigorous and aggressive defense of the Ruling Ideology of Europe. That decadent, corporate, universalist ideology that endorses drug use, homosexuality, and pornography, and is anathema to blood-and-honor patriotism. It is "Hawkish liberalism", to turn a phrase. I.e., this propaganda-film promotes essentially all the same values that a cultural leftist liberaldemocrat would, but is just more bellicose and aggressive in so doing.

...What is needed are more genuine patriotic voices, which call for national revival(s) of the People(s) of Europe against the Islamic threat. Fighting the fight that this film calls for is not going to work. It is akin to a group of men at sea bailing water out of the small-hole-riddled inflatable rubber lifeboat. They're lucky to stay afloat. And the western cultural backdrop of today? It is akin to these same men play darts with a makeshift dartboard pinned to the wall of their rubber lifeboat!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Catholics for McCain

Pro-Catholic imperialist and immigration-enthusiast John McCain has been actively and openly seeking "Catholic votes" around the country, and has just recently boasted of his swelling support from Catholics nationwide. He has been helped in this by the "Catholics for McCain" group he set up in 2007. Last week, McCain even publicly condemned "anti-Catholicism" [See news story "McCain rejects anti-Catholic views"].

The keen observer will note that a few short generations ago in this country, the opposite of the preceding would've been the order of the day. A candidate would be pressured to distance himself from any pro-Catholic views that had been attributed to his machine, and seek out protestant votes! In polls conducted in the 1930s, over 60% of U.S. Protestants said they would not support a Catholic for president.

What has changed? Protestants have lost relative power to say the least. And though there are still 130 million or so white-protestants in the country, they no longer control this country. Some of them have turned to the heavily-media-promoted bizarre postmodern perversion of Christianity known as dispensationalist "evangelicalism". [This movement can be explained by Protestant loss of cultural confidence in the 20th century. As they witnessed their people lose power, they decided to latch on to those groups perceived to be on the upswing. Which explains why they are so strongly in favor of Judaism (a poisonously anti-Christian religion peopled by strange-looking Middle Easterners who work against American interests and have tendencies for promoting cultural degeneracy), why they are generally pro-Catholic, and why they do not oppose alien immigration in any serious way.]

McCain's friends
Speaking of "Evangelicals", the odious 'Pastor' Hagee (a Christian in name only), has endorsed McCain. Both Hagee and McCain are loved by Jewish ethnic-activists for their history of magnanimous cooperation therewith. John McCain is also a big favorite of leftists and Hispanics, for various reasons.

John McCain: A man driven by the desire to make his country less white-protestant and launch foreign wars to spread our empire; A man who is loved by Catholics, Jews, communists, nonwhites, and George Bush. "Only in America"?

Pair of pro-Catholic stooges embrace one another
Yes, his good friend and ideological doppelganger George Bush also recently endorsed him.

And as for that 'National Catholics for McCain' group mentioned earlier?
A coalition of Catholic leaders from across America today announced their support for John McCain for president. U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) and former Governor Frank Keating (R-OK) will serve as the National Co-Chairs of Catholics for McCain.

“As Catholics, we are proud to announce our support for John McCain, a genuine American hero with a conservative record who has what it takes to lead this country,” said U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), National Co-Chair of Catholics for McCain.

Former Governor Frank Keating (R-OK), also National Co-Chair of Catholics for McCain said, “John McCain can uniquely appeal to Catholics with his strong, 24-year pro-life record, his stand for traditional values and school choice, his proven leadership in defending America, and his demonstrated ability to appeal to independent-minded voters. These are exactly the type of qualities that Catholic voters will be looking for in 2008.”
Note that the group was formed in 2007, back when six or more candidates were still in the race, and McCain was running third or fourth in polls. So, these are not bandwagon-jumpers. Note further Brownback's words: "As Catholics, we support McCain." Not as Americans, Republicans, old white men, baseball fans, or Congressmen. As Catholics. McCain's values and ideology are something that genuinely get Catholic politicos particularly excited, "as Catholics". Why is that, we might ask? Could it be his fanatical support for amnestying as many [mainly Roman Catholic] illegal immigrants as possible and his plans to increase immigration? His "conservatism" [a Catholic movement for the past several decades]? His opposition to American nationalism?

Yes, it seems The Maverick(tm) dances to the piping of many different flutes, and seems to particularly like the tune emanating from Rome.